SaTaMu - Chinese Crested Dogs 

My Visitors

Please let me know that you have visited my Cresteds.

I do hope you enjoyed your brief time with my Dogs.

If you would like me to respond, please EMAIL me, I cannot guarantee to reply to questions left here.

  Name : michelle espinola
Web Site :
Country : usa
How you found us : google
Comments : No longer breeding?
Date : 8-Dec-22

  Name : Leesa
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : I will be contacting you in the future for a powderpuff puppy. I have a 16 year old boy and a 1.5 year old girl. Both are loved dearly, living a life of luxury in my home.
Date : 20-Dec-13

  Name : Josiane Chaunut
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I just love these little dogs and yours are just beautiful. Very interesting site and the information was excellent for me. Thank you
Date : 18-May-13

  Name : Lara Cooper
Web Site :
Country : Florida, USA
How you found us : We are FB friends
Comments : You have beautiful dogs!! Very responsible breeder to do all your health testing and strive to produce the best quality. Love your website. Glad to have you as a friend! :D xoxoxo
Date : 17-Dec-11

  Name : Aurora
Web Site :
Country : Spain
How you found us : Looking for information about Chinese Crested
Comments : Hello. I congrat you for the dogs you have. We really like Chinese Crested dogs, and I find a lot of information about the breed. I want to congratulate because I find two very interesting articles about judging. Here, in Spain, more judges should read this articles. Best wishes.
Date : 12-Nov-11

  Name : Lynn Swain
Web Site :
Country : England
How you found us : looking for Animal House products!
Comments : As the owner of white puffs,SaTaMu Kublai Khan took my breath away, just adored his coat. Also loved your Celestial Dragon.
Date : 22-Aug-11

  Name : Noeline Quinn
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Met you
Comments : Was so looking forward to our visit, pity about the delay. Can not wait to see all your CC's. The look lovely on your web site. Thanks for your help with products Rhonda much appreciated. See you in the near future.
Date : 16-Apr-11

  Name : Lyn Bardsley
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : email list
Comments : Hi Rhonda, I love the look of your updated website, & the great new pix of your gorgeous kids Lyn
Date : 2-Sep-10

  Name : Camilla Sehlin
Web Site :
Country : Norway
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Dear :) Hope you are having a good summer:) Kisses to my honey kublai:) camilla
Date : 14-Jun-10

  Name : M. Cornelius
Web Site :
Country : Netherland
How you found us :
Comments : hallo honda, very nice HP, and very beauyufull crested ♥ kind reagards manuela and her chinese
Date : 15-Mar-10

  Name : Magdalena
Web Site :
Country : Czech republic
How you found us :
Comments : Hi! Thanks a lot for your comment in our guestbook. We also wish you a very happy New year 2010 and good luck with your doggies, they look great, I like your breeding a lot! Best regards from Europe! :-)
Date : 27-Dec-09

  Name : Jeanette Bryce
Web Site :
Country : New Zealand
How you found us : Internet
Comments : The Website update is looking wonderful. A tribute to your love and knowledge of the breed.
Date : 22-Dec-09

  Name : Lyn Bardsley
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Web list
Comments : your update is looking great Rhonda. I really do need to thank you for allowing your beautiful girl Satamu Xi Shi aka Sasha, to come live with me. Since being in challenge lineup she's been blitzing the competition.
Date : 20-Dec-09

  Name : Sally Johnson
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Was'nt hard
Comments : I love your new site Rhonda, thanks for all the lovely compliments. I am happy to help, because that's what friends do
Date : 18-Dec-09

  Name : Janet
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : I love the updates and the new photos of the babies, they all look adorable. I am looking forward to seeing the new kids in the ring soon.
Date : 18-Dec-09

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Contact Details
Rhonda Brown
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Phone : 0412591353
Email : [email protected]

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies